You know, I was gonna piss and moan about what a shit day it was.
But it wasn’t. Not all of it.
I had a bad few hours where I discovered I had been mis-sold a product and that no one would accept culpability.
And that the regulatory bodies who are supposedly there to protect us…
I had a salesman stand in my shop. Look me in the eye. And promise that his company could save me money on my telecomms service.
That has not been the case. I will save money over the next few years, but at the cost of a penalty fee that was never supposed to happen. A distressingly large fee. I won’t end up better off, put it that way.
I shan’t go into it any further. It’s boring and upsetting.
But somewhere out there is a man who lied to me. Lied to me to my face. I hope karma gets you sir - for you are a shit.
In fact, any salesman who lies to get a sale. Anyone who dishonestly makes a buck at the expense of his fellow man. Every person who is able to do that everyday and then come home, have a decent night’s sleep in a bed lined with the money stolen from someone else and never let it bother you. To all of you, I have one sentiment to offer.
I will never ever lie in my store. And if I eventually find myself in a position to hire staff ,that will be spelt out as gross misconduct. If a customer asks me my opinion on a product, I will tell them the truth.
If I haven’t read it or played it and thus have no frame of reference, I will not lie and say I have to make a sale. If I think it’s shit, I’ll say so. I would rather mark an item down to cost price or lower to clear it than polish a turd and call it gold.
I cannot say who the telecomm provider were who ripped me off. SUch sNide behavIour CannOt be allowed in My blog. Nope. That would not do. Hmmm, where did I put my UNIcycle? Is it behind the COMpost bin?
It has been one of those days where I despise of my fellow man, A friend whom I respect said yesterday that he believes that most of humanity is basically decent.
I agree.
The rest of them work in sales.
New Lychford Collection!
1 day ago
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