A more whimsical feeling has passed over me. I have just been enjoying The Guild which is a little web series written by and starring Felicia Day about a group of gamers who play a deliberatley untitled fantasy MMPORG. It’s very funny and Miss Day proves she is quite, quite talented.
She was Penny in Doctor Horrible. :)
Seriously check it out - http://www.watchtheguild.com/ - I don’t play WoW, but I love the humour in this series. It is partly self funded with the later episodes funded entirely by donations from fans. They’ve won several online video awards - seriously this is impressive stuff. I once conisdered doing something similar as a serious zombie horror series not unlike The Walking Dead but I was too lazy to bother!
Quick aside for anyone who thinks that was me Wow-hating. The I don’t play that game or indeed any WoW is the same reason as to why I don’t take indulge in any drugs stronger than alcohol or weed (which is kinda past me now anyways). Put simply I have a very prone addiction personality). I can be the stereotypical obsessive boyfriend, I clearly love food way too much and i already log far too many hours on Warhawk. I played Oblivion and that took over my life and nearly ended the relationship I was in at that time. So no, I have no probs with WoW, but I’m gonna pass thank you. :)
So anyway, The Guild. Great fun. Check it out.
Further news, I have started to try to be more sensible with my evening meals in an effort to begin a battle of the bulge. Tonight was cous cous with mixed peppers and red onion and a chicken breast roast in it’s own juices. Which was tasty. And I made enough for a couple more quick simple meals.
The big one to combat is the sirens call of the corner shop when bored and lonely in the shop. Which would be solved by actually preparing proper lunches most days rather than wandering off and buying rubbish around midday.
Still tiny steps, yay me.
Anyone thinking this is pathetic or some other fitness Nazi, fat-hater bs can jog on. I’m been wrestling with me weight since I was about 15. I hit my target weight at 18, split with my first serious girlfriend, went to uni, failed to fend for myself and ballooned to a MASSIVE size. Then there was an incident and I had a mild breakdown.
Since then I have yoyoed back and forth. At one point I could wear a medium shirt and was feeling good. Then I got into another messed up relationship and threw away all my hard work. My fault, no one else’s. Now I wear an XXL again.
I’ve tried several different diets, hypnotherapy, antidepressants and regular cardio. Nothing seems to last. I’m just wired oddly. Basically, I have found that the only source of pleasure I can ALWAYS rely on is taste. Everything else is subjective and has at some stage let me down. See addicted to food. What a dick.
I’ve been trying to embrace exercise that I enjoy rather than hideous gym routines and plan my meals and eliminate snacking. After about a month they say things become routine and it should take less conscious effort.
This was going well after I quit Swin City and started to plan for myself. I hit the pool in Swindon about 3-4 times a week and loved it. I had a routine of situps morning and night and I was eating more sensibly. Sadly, adjusting to six day weeks and the lack of a pool here has made that difficult to continue. But I’ll keep on trying.
Another quick aside. Yes, I know about the Lido but the weather had been so unpredictable everytime I took my swim kit into the shop it would piss down. So I kinda gave up. Roll on the reopening of leisure@cheltenham frankly.
Right. Well that was a scary overshare on my part. But fuck it. I’ve been dealing with this shit almost entirely by myself for over a decade. It feels could to write about it. If Kevin Smith can ask fans to knock burgers out of his hand, I can share my little issues with food too.
The Death of Wolverine is Out Now!
2 weeks ago
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