Coming up later this year...
*driving theory test and possibly learning to drive
*first excursion out of Europe ever
*30th birthday (making the above extremely lame!)
*re-writing an old short story into a graphic novel and illustrating myself (in a way...)
*completing the Swimathon and raising money for Marie Curie Cancer Care
*completing my self set North Channel Swim Challenge by March 20th (currently 601 down, 450 to go)
*the SFX Weekender
*new Doctor Who
*celebrating the shop's second birthday in style - TWICE! - to make up for being denied the oppurtunity last year
*finish my story, be it a novel or novella - that has stalled as I killed the main character's Mum and realised I wasn't ready to face that yet
*the continuation of my new RPG, Cactus Land
*there is also the RPG event I have planned with Andy to come
*dropping another jean size, if not two
*new friends and new horizons, old friends and new adventures
The Death of Wolverine is Out Now!
2 weeks ago