Blah, I have nothing really much to say but all is going well and I only seem to blog when pissed off, so here goes - positive blog!
Erm, Christmas was nice but over too soon. Christmas Doctor Who was mad and great for it. New Year’s I had a horrible cough and manflu (proper aches though, so I maintain it was real flu but public (read female) pressure insists I say manfllu).
I’m calorie counting now which is going well - after a brief false start whilst still being ill. 2000 a day to start with, which I will drop as my weight loss plateaus and then reincrease when I hit target weight.
I must stress this is not a diet, but a new way to live my life. I allow myself Saturday/Sunday (one or the other depending on my schedule) to allow me to still have some fun and worry less on those days.
Two weeks in, and it;’s going OK so far. I’ve recommenced the swimming now as well after illness laid me up, so fingers crossed for some good results this year.
And later this year Husky and Lou are getting married (congrats to them!!!), so I’m hoping I’ll have lost enough weight to fit back into my suit!
Hmmm, what else? Loads to look forward to on telly. The return of Skins will trigger my now annual miss-my-youth phase, wishing it was more misbegotten. The return of BSG too - excellent, can’t wait (coming down now). And the start of Dark Avengers too! I enjoyed Secret Invasion, but I think Dark Reign will be Marvel’s absolute triumph.
Plus we have DC’s Blackest Night event coming on. Final Crisis has been OK, and issue #6 was jawdropping but as a huge Green Lantern fan (second only to Iron Man really) I think Blackest Night will be amazing.
Free Comic Book Day is looming in the distance like an old firend and this year’s crop of comics includes an original Avengers story (from Bendis and Cheung featuring the New and Dark Avengers AND Thor verus Ymir the Frost Giant) plus a Blackest Night prelude/recap which should get people up to speed. Fab!
Boardgames wise, Richard’s new game Senji has been a big hit. I think I almost got the strategy in the second game after a disastrous first game but I was pipped at the post by Tony. Somewhat demoralising as it was his first game and he got the strategy straight away.
I also worry that a lot of the game actually depends on random luck more than strategy but is hiding that with enough complexity to trick us into believing it is skill. The random draw of starting samurai and how that affects how strongly you start is one worry. Then you card drawing and set collecting (surely one of the reasons why many have come to loathe Settlers and T2R?) and dice rolling. Hmmm…
Wow, I just lost all of you who haven’t played it haven’t I? Sorry.
Good news that Watchmen is settled and will come out as planned. I passed on Spirit merchandise but planned a big campaign of Watchmen gubbins so this was a financial worry for me as well as a personal worry as a fan. March 6th will be great.
So there you go, a pretty much positive blog.
2009 has been alright so far. :)
The Death of Wolverine is Out Now!
2 weeks ago